Additional resources

Last updated on 2024-08-16 | Edit this page

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  • Where can I find further information?


  • Find additional resources for image analysis / microscopy online

Additional resources

If you want to learn more about image processing and microscopy, we’ve linked some useful resources below:

Bioimage analysis

  • forum
    A general forum for image analysis advice, covering many popular pieces of software e.g. ImageJ, Napari, QuPath and many more.

  • Pete Bankhead’s bioimage book
    A free, online book providing in-depth discussion of biological image analysis. A great resource for delving deeper into the principles discussed during this course.

  • Data Carpentry: Image Processing with Python course
    An online course covering image analysis with python. This is particularly useful if you want to start writing your own scripts to use with Napari.

  • Bioimaging guide
    An online guide covering principles for design of quantitative microscopy experiments, as well as how to analyse the resulting image data.

  • Robert Haase’s lectures on bioimage analysis
    Recordings of Robert Haase’s 2020 lectures on bioimage analysis. Useful for learning general image processing principles, in various pieces of software e.g. ImageJ, python, QuPath…



Talks/seminars about image processing

