This section contains additional material which you will find helpful for the workshop. It currently includes:

  • Connecting to the workshop VM: This contains information about how to access the computer that you will be using for the lessons. These computers are based in the cloud and have all of the software and data that you need.
  • Getting started with the command line: Many neuroimaging software packages do not use a graphical interface but require you to be comfortable typing in commands into the computer. This section gives an overview of some basic commands and how to traverse a Linux filesystem.

Command line cheatsheet

Command Name Function Example Usage
man Manual HELP! man cd
pwd Print working directory Where am I? pwd
mkdir Make directory Create a new directory mkdir dir1
cd Change directory Go to the following location cd dir1
ls List Shows what is inside a directory ls dir1
cp Copy Copies a source file to a new destination cp src dest
mv Move Moves a source file to a new destination mv source destination
rm Remove Deletes a file or a directory rm dir1/bad_file
cat Concatenate Prints out the contents of a file cat results.txt
more more Prints out the contents of a file. Better for large files to scroll more results.txt
nano, emacs, gedit Text editor Programs that edit plain text files (no formatting) emacs dir1/inputs.txt nano dir1/inputs.txt

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